Stand On The Ladder Of Your Memories'

 Stand on the Ladder of Your Memories 

By Joann Ryan-Stanley

Stand On The Ladder Of Your Memories

You Will Never Be Alone

This Ladder Was Built With Care And With Love

And Handed Down To Each Of Us

From our Ancestors That We Love

They Too Had Been Through Hard Times

For They Never Knew Which Way The Wind Would Blow

So They Filled Your Ladder Up With Memories

For Generations To Get You Through

And These Memories Will Always Be Your Home

Where The Lights Are On And We Are Never Alone

Where Generations Of Love And The Ties That Will Bind

Where Friendships And Loved Ones Will Always Reside

The Stories To Tell The Laughter The Love

The Births Of Their Children And Their Children's Love

As You Sit And Reflect And Feel Lonely Inside

Just Lean On Your Ladder That Your Loved Ones Provide

And Know That Your Ladder Is A Gift To Pass On

To Make New Steps For Those That You Love

And New Memories for the One’s Yet To Come…

© Joann Ryan-Stanley 2020