To Serve

By Joann Ryan-Stanley

They Stepped Up To Serve Our Great Country

And So Proudly They Did

Our Flag Went With Them Everywhere

As She Sent Them Off To Serve

Wherever They Fought Across This Great Globe

The Flag Of Our Country Flew

And Guided Them Throughout Their Time

For They Were American Red White And Blue

They Took Her Into Battles

Some Too Terrible To Name

And Hung On To Her Edges

As The Battles Inflamed

Never Once Never Once

Did They Run From Their Call

To Serve Our Country Proudly

With Our Flag That They Held High

Throughout All The Battles

Many Brave Souls Were Lost

And Some Came Home So Broken

The Pain Of War Overtook Them

And They Went Home To God

America’s Flag Has Traveled With Them

And Proudly Flies Where They Do Rest

For These Brave Americans Who Gave Their Lives

They Are Our Country’s Best…

Copyright Joann Ryan-Stanley
