Life Is Like A Book

By Joann Ryan-Stanley

Life Is Like A Book

It’s Ours Alone To Write

Given To Us By God Above

Our Free Will Will Be Our Guide

Each Moment Speaks Our Truth

Each Day Another Page Is Written

That Can Be Erased Or Underlined

As Free Will Is Given

We May Make Errors

We May Give It Our All

We May Stumble And Fall

With Happiness And Sadness

And Loneliness At Heartfelt Times

Gratefulness And Love Abound

When Challenges Arise

We Call Out God’s Name

As We’re Living Through Our Book Of Life

Each Page Each Day Sends Us In A New Way

With Choices We Must Make

For Isn’t That What Free Will Is All About?

There May Be Times When Darkness Falls

And We Call Out To God To Protect Us All

And We Give From Our Heart

Till Our Love Overflows

And We Than Give Some More

For That Is What We Are Here For

When The Last Page Is Penned

And It’s Time To Go Back Home

God Will Be Standing In Heaven’s Light

Waiting For His Child

We Will Place Our Book Of Life

In God’s Loving Hand’s

And With Eyes Overflowing With God’s Love

God Will Reach Out For Our Hand

And Walk With Us Into Heaven

God’s Home Of Love And Light...

Copyright Joann Ryan-Stanley 2021