The Light Of The World

By Joann Ryan-Stanley

Tonight as We Sit And Contemplate Yesterday’s Christmas

We Awaken With A New Found Hope

In a World That Needs A Light On

So That  All May See A Better Day

A Better Way Of Being Of Loving

Of Choosing Of Caring

As We Celebrate

The Birth Of The Christ Child

We Are Renewed, Reborn, Rejoicing

In The Splendor Of Our Destiny

For He Is Carried In Our Heart

We Must Strive To Be Like Him

To Bring Christ Along With Us In Our Daily Lives

Awakening Us To Be A Better Person

A More Loving Person

With Genuine Concern For Helping And Caring For Other's

For In Doing So Our Own Soul

Is Strengthened and Enriched

And The Light of the World Shines Brighter

In The Days To Come…

Copyright Joann Ryan-Stanley 2020