The Suitcase In Our Heart

  By Joann Ryan-Stanley

Today Is But A Special Day

To Give Thanks For All Life’s Blessings

Today We Bow On Bended Knee's

For Those Who May Be Missing

Our Loved Ones Near Or Far Away

Who Cannot Come Today

Whom We Miss On Christmas And Special Days

More Than One Can Ever Know

And God Understands

God Had A Plan

When We Came To Earth

From The Moment Of Our Birth

A Special Place Of Love And Grace

Was Held Within Our Being

God Knew That We Might Need It Often

As We Travel Through This Life

God Gave Us Such A Gift You See

The Suitcase In Our Heart

Each One Of Us Does Have It

It’s Filled With A Lifetime Of Love And Memories

To Help Us Through The Hard Times

With God’s Help From Above

Our Loved Ones And Our Families

And So Many Friends Too

And All The People Who Have  Meant So Much

And Helped Us Through

God Filled The Pockets Of Our Suitcase

For Times Such As These

Our Suitcase Is Our Comfort

For We Are Never Alone

Just Close Your Eyes And Visualize

And Open It And See

It’s Well Worn Sides and Edges

Is God’s Gift To Thee…

Copyright Joann Ryan-Stanley 2020