In The Quiet Of The Evening

In the Quiet of the Evening

By Joann Ryan-Stanley

In The Quiet Of The Evening

We Turn Our Thoughts To Thee

In The Silence Of The Moment

We Feel Your Presence Be

We Know That When We Ask For You

You Will Come And Comfort Us

In Days Of Worry And Strife

Always Part Of Life

We Turn It Over To You Lord

You Can Help Us Make It Through

For You Are Our Rock In Times Of Troubles Be

Your Presence In Our Lives Gently Surrounds Us

You Ease The Outline Of The Day

And Help It Melt Away 

Your Calming Presence Is All We Ask Of You

And In Return You Fill Our Lives And Bring Us Back To Peace

We Will Close Our Eyes This Evening Lord

We Know You’ll Understand

And Rise And Meet The Morning Sun

And You Will Take Our Hand

  © Joann Ryan-Stanley 2020